Hangzhou High School established in 1899, is one of the most famous high schools in Southern China. It was the earliest-founded public high school in Zhejiang Province. Its history dates back to Yangzheng College founded by Lin Qi. There are 52 academicians who graduated from the institution as of 2018.
Hangzhou High School has two campuses, the Gongyuan Campus at No.238, Fengqi Road, and the Qianjiang Campus at No.1958 East Zhijiang Road. The Qianjiang Campus started operating in September, 2015. This new campus including the International Division, which provide AP Courses to students.
School Video Tour: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XG8VTdiOf06oYIIVGrhteQ
VR school Tour: https://view.vgoyun.com/#/panoview/62918