Korvia Consulting

Korvia Consulting is a recruiting company based in Seoul, South Korea that places native English speakers into Korean public and private schools as native English teachers. The company works with the Korean government, offices of education, commercial education franchises, as well as national public school teaching programs such as EPIK, GEPIK, and GOE.

Korvia screens and interviews interested applicants from South Korea and helps recommend them to various teaching programs and educational institutions around Korea. Since its inception in 2006, Korvia has recruited thousands of teachers as well as become official partners with various public school teaching programs around Korea. The company only recruits English teachers from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa in accordance with South Korean visa regulation laws.

Korvia’s company values are that by recruiting passionate and educated teachers for “Korea” can make the overall education and enrich the lives of the children that will eventually shape the country.

Korvia is the perfect choice for those who want to try and experience a new culture as well as prepare themselves to become the best educator they can be.